Probiotics and Prebiotics - What Does It Do?

Probiotics what does it do
In the human gastrointestinal tract, there are approximately 85% beneficial microorganisms and 15% pathogenic flora. This balance is crucial for digestion and regulating metabolic processes in the body. However, when the balance is disrupted, dysbiosis occurs, affecting not only the digestive system but also causing symptoms like fatigue, weakened immunity, and poor skin, nail, and hair condition. What to do? Introduce probiotics and prebiotics into your diet. Let's find out the benefits of live microorganisms and how to enrich your regular menu with them.

Probiotics - What is It?

"Prebiotics" and "probiotics" are completely different terms. The names are similar, but their functions and effects on the body differ. The only similarity is that both positively affect the digestive system, normalizing the microflora of the intestines. Probiotics are live microorganisms that normalize the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora. Most probiotic bacteria belong to two types: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. But there are many other types of microorganisms. Prebiotics are non-digestible dietary fibers in the gastrointestinal tract, serving as a nutrient medium for live microorganisms and promoting their growth. It turns out that the "existence" of probiotics is impossible without prebiotics. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that both of these components are present in the diet.

Probiotics is Good for What?

The intestinal microflora is a vast world, and each bacterial strain performs a specific function. Probiotics have the following beneficial properties:
  • Increase immune system resistance
  • Prevent allergic reactions
  • Break down food, producing an adequate amount of minerals and nutrients
  • Regulate metabolic processes in the body
  • Eliminate inflammatory processes in the intestines and serve as a prevention of serious diseases of the digestive organs
  • Combat pathogenic microflora
  • Help reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol
  • Improve skin condition
Probiotics what is it

Good Time to Take Probiotics

Often, we think about taking probiotics when a doctor prescribes antibiotics and recommends taking probiotics to stop the growth of pathogenic microflora and avoid intestinal upset. Unfortunately, doctors do not always explain how to take probiotics to maximize their benefits.

Rule #1 in Taking Probiotics: We Recommend Starting the Course of Probiotics and Antibiotics on Day 1

Many people think that taking both drugs simultaneously is useless, but this is not true; the main thing is to separate the intake in time. It is essential to support the intestines from the first day and avoid discomfort (rumbling, heaviness in the stomach, pain in the stomach and intestines). There is no need to wait for antibiotics to harm the microbiota along with infection treatment (your microbial community).

Rule #2 in Taking Probiotics: the Recommended Interval Between Taking Antibiotics and Probiotics is at Least 3 Hours

First, take the antibiotic, and only after 3 hours, we recommend taking the probiotic-prebioticsr. This time is sufficient to prevent the antibiotic from harming probiotic microorganisms.

Rule #3 in Taking Probiotics: We Recommend Taking Probiotics for a Course of at Least 2-3 Weeks

Often, a person takes 5-7 capsules during the week, and temporary relief in the intestines occurs. As soon as it "eases," they stop taking it. However, this time is not enough; beneficial microflora does not have time to recover, and immunity decreases. This can lead to problems in the intestines, skin problems, frequent colds, and more.

It is essential to know that the microbiota after antibiotics recovers for a long period; according to various studies, from 1.5 months to six months.

Rule #4 in Taking Probiotics: Do Not Replace the Intake of Probiotic Preparations with Kefir or Yogurt

Yes, these dairy products also contain beneficial probiotic bacteria, but in very low quantities! In terms of the variety of beneficial bacteria, dairy products also lag behind: if biokefir has 2-3 strains, then complex probiotic-prebiotics contain from 10 to 15 strains of bifido- and lactobacilli. Dairy products are undoubtedly useful but cannot replace probiotics when taking antibiotics.

The absence of probiotic assistance or a violation of the rules for taking probiotics leads to the fact that against the background of antibiotic treatment, a multitude of side effects occurs, up to diarrhea.
Probiotics is good for what

Prebiotics - What is It?

Simultaneously with taking probiotics that suppress pathogenic microflora, it is helpful to increase the intake of prebiotics in the diet.

Prebiotics are complex carbohydrates, the main source of nutrition for microflora. They are found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products rich in fiber. These can be onions, bran, bananas, broccoli, chickpeas, lentils, beans, crispbread. The daily norm for an adult is from 30 to 50 grams of fiber.

Prebiotics is Good for What?

The main task of prebiotics is to stimulate the reproduction of beneficial microflora and extend its "shelf life." But the benefits are not only in this. During the fermentation of prebiotic fibers in the intestines, fatty acids are formed, which take on a whole range of useful functions:

  • Significantly reduce increased acidity in the stomach and intestines
  • Provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which is important for weight loss
  • Help strengthen the density of the intestinal walls
  • Accelerate the breakdown of fats and simple sugars entering the body
  • Serve as a prevention of intestinal diseases

Good Time to Take Prebiotics

  • Taking antibiotics
  • Recovery period after chemotherapy for cancerous tumors
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation)
  • Severe metabolic disorders
  • Deficiency of vitamins B, iron, and calcium
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Cardiovascular pathologies
  • Skin problems (acne, increased dryness, or oiliness)
  • Postpartum period in women

Both probiotics and prebiotics are essential for the health of the microflora, making them excellent for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal problems!
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