It's convenient to prepare in a French press, but it's not necessary. For the infusion, you'll need three sprigs of fresh rosemary or four tablespoons of dried. Pour them with a liter of hot water, wait for three hours – it's ready to use.
Such an infusion will serve as an excellent alternative to a conditioning rinse.
For maximum effect, you can add twenty milliliters of apple cider vinegar and five to six drops of essential oil to it.
To prepare the decoction, you'll need the same amount of herbs as for the infusion. Pour the leaves with a liter of water and let the mixture simmer on a water bath for about fifteen minutes. Strain the decoction and use it as a rinse. It can also be added to yogurt, egg, and bread hair masks.
For additional benefits, you can brew rosemary with other herbs:
- Sage enhances the cosmetic effect.
- Bay leaf can be added to the decoction or infusion if your hair is experiencing intense shedding or severe split ends.
- Nettle leaf helps restore hair structure.
- Oak bark has an antiseptic effect, which is beneficial if you're using the decoction to treat dandruff or other scalp conditions.
- Chamomile and yarrow multiply the stimulating effect of rosemary.