Does Rosemary Cause Hair Loss?

Rosemary Cause Hair Loss
The phrases "hair loss" and "quick results" are usually not used together. If you're dealing with excessive hair loss, it will likely take a lot of time and patience to not only determine the true cause of the problem but also to understand which remedy will help you—and the results are unlikely to be instant. We won't claim that dealing with this issue is simple. But if you're asking whether there are proven and effective remedies, whose efficiency is confirmed by phytotherapy and scientific data, we'll answer: yes, you can count on it.

Rosemary is a woody perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region, which people have used for centuries both in cuisine and as a medicine. Rosemary essential oil is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used to improve the quality of hair on the scalp. Some even claim that its application can prevent hair loss. Is this true?

Topically applying rosemary oil can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. However, using too much can cause side effects. Here's what you need to know.

Benefits of Rosemary for Hair Growth

The idea that rosemary oil promotes hair growth may stem from its core health benefits:

1. The plant possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Rosemary aids in nerve growth.
3. Strengthens lifeless, brittle locks
4. Improves the quality of strands, restores structure, provides overall healing effects.
5. Leaves curls soft and shiny.

Additionally, like peppermint essential oil (which is also used to stimulate hair growth), rosemary essential oil enhances blood circulation, including on the scalp. As a result, this can prevent inadequate blood supply to the hair follicles, preventing hair thinning and loss. Apart from stimulating hair growth, rosemary essential oil is used to prevent premature graying and dandruff.

Does Rosemary Cause Hair Loss?

Recent studies show more demonstratively that rosemary directly aids in preventing hair loss. In one experiment conducted in 2015, essential oil was pitted against minoxidil, known as Rogaine. Both were used on individuals with androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). The results demonstrated that rosemary essential oil was equally as effective as minoxidil.

Another study on rosemary leaf extract (distinct from essential oil) showed that it stimulates hair growth. Such an effect was observed when hair loss was induced by excess testosterone. However, the latest study was conducted on mice. Two separate clinical reviews from 2010 and 2011 also confirm rosemary's potential for hair growth.

Rosemary Oil for Hair Treatment and Care

We've established how beneficial the plant is for your locks. Now, it's essential to understand how to use it correctly. Both fresh and dried rosemary are suitable for homemade cosmetics, but perhaps the most popular option is the oil. We offer you some useful recipes to address various hair problems.
Essential oils are highly concentrated active agents and often trigger allergic reactions. Therefore, before applying masks to your locks, try the mixture on a small patch of skin, such as the inside of your elbow. Apply and leave it on for five to ten minutes. If there is no reaction, you can safely use the mask.
Rosemary Oil for Hair Treatment and Care

Rosemary Hair Loss Prevention Mask

The remedy will help to stop excessive hair loss and stimulate the growth of new healthy locks. You will need the following ingredients:
  • 1 drop of rosemary oil
  • 20 ml of grape seed oil
  • 1 drop of jojoba oil
  • 1 drop of pine oil

Mix all the components and gently warm them. Rub the warm mixture into the scalp, then put on a shower cap and wrap a towel around your head - this will help activate the mixture. Leave it on for half an hour and then rinse it off. Repeat these procedures twice a week for a month

If you don't want to use several different oils at once, you can simplify the recipe: mix five drops of rosemary oil with twenty milliliters of burdock oil. Follow the same steps as described above.

Rosemary Mask for Oily Hair

Oily hair is a real nuisance. You have to wash your locks every day, which only damages them. This remedy will help reduce oil production and strengthen the follicles. You will need:
  • 10 ml of jojoba oil
  • 1 drop of rosemary oil
  • 1 drop of cypress oil
  • 1 drop of birch oil

Mix all the ingredients, massage the resulting mixture into the scalp. Put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. Wait for about an hour, then rinse off the mask.

Aromatherapy Massage with Rosemary Oil

Drop a little rosemary oil onto a wooden comb and brush through your hair. You can do this daily. After brushing, it's beneficial to massage the scalp thoroughly with your fingers. This will help improve blood circulation, providing follicles with the necessary nutrients and oxygen.

Head aromatherapy massage is beneficial for both dry and oily hair. In the case of dry hair, it will give lifeless locks strength and shine, while for oily hair, it will help regulate sebum production. In addition to all this, massage and brushing with rosemary oil are excellent prevention against premature graying.

Rosemary Spray for Hair Growth

It's convenient to prepare in a French press, but it's not necessary. For the infusion, you'll need three sprigs of fresh rosemary or four tablespoons of dried. Pour them with a liter of hot water, wait for three hours – it's ready to use.

Such an infusion will serve as an excellent alternative to a conditioning rinse.

For maximum effect, you can add twenty milliliters of apple cider vinegar and five to six drops of essential oil to it.

To prepare the decoction, you'll need the same amount of herbs as for the infusion. Pour the leaves with a liter of water and let the mixture simmer on a water bath for about fifteen minutes. Strain the decoction and use it as a rinse. It can also be added to yogurt, egg, and bread hair masks.

For additional benefits, you can brew rosemary with other herbs:
  • Sage enhances the cosmetic effect.
  • Bay leaf can be added to the decoction or infusion if your hair is experiencing intense shedding or severe split ends.
  • Nettle leaf helps restore hair structure.
  • Oak bark has an antiseptic effect, which is beneficial if you're using the decoction to treat dandruff or other scalp conditions.
  • Chamomile and yarrow multiply the stimulating effect of rosemary.
Rosemary Spray for Hair Growth

Home Remedies for Dandruff

To eliminate dandruff, compresses made from rosemary with saffron or lemon can help. Boil the zest in water with two tablespoons of herbs for ten minutes, then strain the decoction. Soak cotton cloths in it and apply them to the scalp where the hair grows.

Contraindications to the Use of Rosemary

The main contraindication for using rosemary oil or infusions is an allergy to them. Therefore, be sure to test each remedy on a small patch of skin to ensure a normal reaction.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid rosemary. Excessive amounts of rosemary oil can harm the fetus and newborn.

Experts warn: avoid getting essential oil in your eyes. In case of contact, quickly rinse your eyes with cold water. Additionally, be cautious not to apply too much oil to the scalp: this can cause irritation and discomfort.
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